What Up Wednesday (5.18)
Monday, May 16, 2011
Its been a while but What Up Wednesday is BACK. I will spare you more delay and get right to it:
What Up Houdini -
What Up Houdini -
This is unbelievable. With the recent crackdown on those stupid enough to take the field during a game, it's safe to say that this guy is braver than most. Now, bravery isn't all this guy has, because bravery mixed with stupidity is a dangerous combination (if you disagree or need an example click here.) However, this guy isn't stupid at all - he's clearly a man with a plan. It's clear that this guy mapped out his escape route and he executed it to perfection. This is like Shawshank Redemption, The Italian Job and The Bourne Identity all mixed into one. Plus, this guy had the pressure of thousands of screaming fans watching his every move. I'll tip my hat to this guy, hopefully he has made it to the border by now.
What Up Vin Mazzaro -
Vin is not getting a What Up because he gave up 14 earned runs in 2 1/3 innings Monday night. He's also not getting a What Up because he put on one of the worst performances in pitching history. In fact, the reason why he's getting a What Up doesn't really have anything to do with baseball. I know that everyone is focusing on his tough outing but I'm thinking about something else completely. What I'm pumped about, and the reason he's getting a What Up, is because if there's ever a 'Billy Madison 2' Ms. Vaughn will definitely ask Billy to spell Vin Mazzaro on the chalk board.

What Up Baseball Jousting - This is just so damn cool, that's all I really have to say about it:
What Up Mikael Granlund -
This goal is obviously one of the most impressive we've seen in a long time. However, what makes it even more impressive are the circumstances under which the goal occurred. This goal came in the semi-finals of the IIHF World Championships in which Granlund's Team Finland defeated Russia 3-0. This was the first goal of the contest and would prove to be the game winner before Finland would move on to win the gold medal game 6-1 against Sweden.
What Up Bryce Drew - Turns out Valparaiso's men's basketball team needed a new basketball coach, so they turned to none other than the man who hit this shot for the Crusaders back in the day:
I guarantee that on his first day on the job he's gonna walk in and address his new team by saying this and exactly this:
K guys, on my team we run one play and one play only. We're gonna chuck it up the court and whoever catches it is gonna drain a 3 bomb. Then he's gonna dive on the floor and we're gonna jump on him. 60% or the time it works every time... Questions?
What Up LeBron -
You did it, LBJ. After years and years of hard work. After so many doubted you. After so many criticized you. After so many called you a fraud, a sell-out, a quitter. After so many said you could never seal the deal. After so many said you'd never be truly great unless you won a championship, you finally proved them all wrong by winning your first NBA title against the Boston Celtics. As tears of joy and relief streamed from your eyes after the victory, all I could think was, "Wow. After all he has been through, he has finally done it." Wait.. what'd you say? That wasn't the championship you won? Then what was it? Oh, just the second round? So wait, you cried because you made it past the second round? Wow that's embarrassing...

Love it? Hate it? Did I miss anything? Drop a comment below and let me know!
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