What Up Wednesday (2.9)
Thursday, February 10, 2011
This week: Johan "the mule" Franzen, the Philadelphia Eagles, Brent Johnson, ME, and Spongebob. And then me again.

What Up Eagles - Eagles players DeSean Jackson, Jamaal Jackson, and Todd Herremans took time to visit with 13 year old Nadin Khoury, who had been bullied by 7 kids in January. It's amazing to see that athletes are willing to take time and effort to be there for a kid they don't even know. They raised an amazing amount of awareness about bullying by doing this, and hopefully more and more action will be taken to lessen the number of bullying victims. It's easy to see what a sweet kid Nadin is and the fact that this sort of thing happens to kids like Nadin everyday is extremely sad. Hopefully more athletes and people with influence will step up and face this problem.
What Up ME - I'm not looking to toot my own here but I'm clearly one of, if not the, best prediction maker in the land (so naturally, I get Spongebob's #1 hat.) For those of you who saw my super bowl bets, you know what I'm talking about. For those of you who missed them, let me fill you in:

What Up Brent Johnson - For some reason, people keep calling this infamous fight the, "DiPietro fight." It's probably because people don't know who Brent Johnson is. The back-up goalie for the Pens epitomized what it means to be a team player by doing what he did. DiPietro cheap-shotted one of the Penguin players and instead of sitting back and not doing anything about it, Johnson put himself on the line to defend him teammates. You can tell by how the team reacted how much his efforts were appreciated - things like this go a really long way. DiPietro is currently out with severe cases of embarrassment, humiliation and "I just got one-punched" syndromes. If you haven't seen it:

- I took the over on the 1:54 time limit for Christina's national anthem, which is no surprise, anyone could've guessed that. My mom told me after that I should've made an over under on how many words she'd get wrong. We knew she was going to be bad, but who knew she was going to be that bad!?
- I guessed the night's funniest commercial would probably be a beer commercial, however I wouldn't know who took the cake. Here in Canada they didn't air the regular Super Bowl commercials so I was stuck watching Dairy Queen and Tim Hortons commercials.
- I picked orange for the color of Gatorade dumped on the winning coach. I know from experience, orange is a must for anyone in the heat of battle.
- I thought it'd be hard to sit through the Black Eyed Pea's, but I was wrong. It wasn't hard, it was excruciatingly, horrifically painful. However, I'm still not sure if it was the shiny lights or the horrendous sounds coming out of my speakers that made it hard to look away.
- Finally, my pride and joy - I was all but convinced the Steelers were going to take this one but I went out on a limb and picked the Pack, 30-24. Turns out it was the Pack 31-25. Now, I'm no scientist but I'd say that's pretty good.
So like I said, I'm not looking to toot my own horn... but I will anyway.
What Up Spongebob - That's two What Up Wednesday's in a row that I've had a Spongebob reference, so he gets a What Up. And I get another one for having a Spongebob reference two weeks in a row. Boom.
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