Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I write before you a bitter, distraught, disappointed, confused and morally afflicted sports fan. I, like many sports fans throughout the world, like to believe that somewhere, in a land far, far away, reside mythical creatures that we call the "Sports Gods." These Gods govern the world of competitive athletics, dictating the outcomes of games, the performances of players, and ultimately, the well-being of fans everywhere. Over the course of my career as a fan I have often resorted to praying to these Gods, cursing these Gods, and many times (being a Philadelphia sports fan) questioning the ways of these Gods. Through times of joy and triumph the Sports Gods earn due praise and appreciation for their significant role in a team's success. Of course, more times than not, there are times of despair for the loyal sports fan. However, through these times it is always comforting to think that even though times are difficult, the Sports God will eventually - maybe not the next year, maybe not in the next ten years, but eventually - make things alright, and will give loyal cities and fans that which they deserve. However, after the events that unfolded in this year's Stanley Cup Finals I am thoroughly convinced that the Sports Gods do not exist.
I know it must hurt to read this - imagine how painful it was for me to write it. I hate Boston as much as anyone but I can't let my hate for them skew my perception. In other words, I can't sit here and bash Boston and talk about how much their teams suck, because they don't. I'd like to but then I'd sound like an idiot. All I can do is be bitter about the onslaught of victories that continually pour into the undeserving laps of Boston residents, as well as question the powers-that-be for letting this happen. Just to clarify I'm not calling Boston fans undeserving because they're apathetic or not passionate. Sure, they have plenty of bandwagon fans who didn't even know they had a hockey team 3 months ago, but this happens in any city. I call them undeserving because in a 10-year span they've gotten enough championships to last them 100 years. There are cities throughout North America that are far more deprived and deserving than Boston.

stanley cup